Category: Resources

Benefits Of Strength Training

STRENGTH TRAINING CAN HELP WITH THESE CONDITIONS: Low Back Pain This chronic condition can be significantly improved in many people by strengthening lower back muscles.


Recommended Reading For All Ages Fitness After 50 By Walter H. Ettinger, Brenda S. Wright, and Steven N. Blair How to Eat, Move and be


Health Related Aging (National Council on Aging) Arthritis (Arthritis Foundation) Diabetes (American Diabetes Association) Heart (American Heart Association) Lung (American Lung

Should Older Adults Train?

Most of us would like to retire from years of working so that we can enjoy the rest of our lives. You look forward to

Aging (Do We Have To?) – Part 1

Let’s define aging. Aging is the diminished capacity to regulate the internal environment, resulting in a decreased probability of survival according to Dr. Roy Shepard.